Reality imitates insanity: NYU thugs demand consensus and democratic process after barricading themselves in school building.

NYU Local has Lotorto’s Last Stand.

Lotorto even has an amusing post about the “revolutionaries” populating New York’s Finest Schools.

My favorite thing about crazy campus groups is they use force to occupy an area, and then accost the police for using force in dealing with them. They never stop to consider why security is there in the first place. “The Cause” is all that matters; let mere, inferior, “couch potatoe” mortals stay locked in their plebeian, unenlightened enshacklement to “The Man” while they evolve into the nirvana of civil dissidenthood and 15-minute notoriety.

Maybe Mr. Lotorto and his cadre should have asked for Democratic Consensus vis-a-vis taking over the Kimmel Center and barricading themselves in. Perhaps they should have polled the population on whether their demands were legitimate. But such democratic means are boring to the radical campus activist. Consensus is what you build within The Party after taking power.  Democracy is a platitude for the masses to absorb while the leaders live the Life of Riley.

And so it goes that the Palestinian propping, radical student organization, is thwarted once again by “The Man.” Damn that Man, with his silly rules, and his silly laws. For only we have the sagacity necessary to run things around here, above the plebeian, the moron, the illiterate, and the corporate gasbag. Laud to Us, The Dissenters, without whom freedom and liberty would cease to exist.


One Response to Reality imitates insanity: NYU thugs demand consensus and democratic process after barricading themselves in school building.

  1. stevieray365 says:

    … and Gaza!

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